To all,
At today's Senate meeting, there were some problems with the wording of the
resolution that senators didn't like. The rationale being that we don't
want to forward this thing to Raab, the BOT, and Albany if it has factual
errors in it. It was tabled until the next meeting (April 2), with the
instructions that the Student Caucus, in conjunction with the Senate
Administrative Committee, revise for wording. It appears below, with some
notes in asterisked brackets.

BE IT RESOLVED, That the Hunter College Senate opposes the governor's 2003
budget proposal to raise tuition at CUNY by $1,200, [*** accuracy problem.
As of the latest news, Pataki's budget "anticipates" a tuition increase,
but doesn't (and can't) simply propose one. The proposal will come from the
BOT. A better statement will "oppose any cut to funding" and "oppose any
tuition or fee increase." ***]

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Senate opposes the governor's cuts to and
restructuring of financial aid programs such as SEEK and TAP,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Senate demands that the State of New York
restore adequate funding for CUNY, [*** problem with "adequate," and we
still need to resolve this. We might want to completely scrap and rewrite
this one. ***]

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Senate supports and encourages the efforts
of members of the Hunter community to prevent the budget cuts, and urges
President Raab to take a strong stance against the tuition hikes. [ ***
made a wording change this morning with the Admin. Comm. -- "stronger" is
now "strong," since Raab hasn't really opposed the tuition increases at
all. ***]

Jillian Murray
Vice Chairperson
Hunter College Senate