
The CPE is a CUNY-administered exam. Hunter may not graduate students who 
have not passed the CPE, by order of the CUNY BoT. Hunter has remarkably 
little flexibility in its administration of the CPE. Any such 
administrative decisions are done by the Provost, Registrar, etc.

HOWEVER, I have just discovered a major discrepancy in their notification 
about "who must take the CPE?" I just e-mailed Hausman to try and put me in 
touch with someone who can resolve this.
-- In a letter from the registrar I received on 11/22/02:
"NOTE: Matriculated undergraduate students enrolled for the Spring 2003 
semester (regardless of date of admission) must take the CPE in order to 
-- From the RWC website CPE FAQ:
"Who must take the CPE? Students who enrolled as first-time freshmen in 
Fall 1999 or later are subject to the CUNY Proficiency Examination 
requirements." Then, a note at the bottom of the page, "Starting September 
1,2003, students who enrolled in CUNY before Fall 1999 (including those who 
enrolled as part-time or non degree) will also be subject to the 
Proficiency Examination requirement."

The RWC says Fall '03 or later, the Registrar says Spring '03 or later. BIG 
difference. Also, the "note" at the bottom of the RWC page is not 
hyperlinked from the question "who must take the CPE?" It's just sitting at 
the bottom of the page.

Once I get a straight answer from someone in the administration, I'll make 
sure to post something vindictive on the hunter-l.


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"La beauté du monde apparaît quand on reconnaît
la nécessité comme la substance de l'univers"
Simone Weil
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Jillian Murray
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