Dear Friends

Our next Senate meeting is this Wednesday at 4pm in room 714 Hunter West.
The meeting ends at 5:25 pm after which we will have our caucus meeting in
the senate conference room 1042 East. I hope that you can all attend.

Our last caucus mtg was held on Wed 17th, this was last Wed. I had hope to
see more of you there.
Our agenda items were:

chartering the caucus to a Student Club....opening up the forum to all
Hunter College Students as means by which they can become involved, even if
it is indirectly

We discussed Raab's comments at the last meeting....concluding that the
stance on the Bookstore is a bad one. Student should not be encouraged to
pay more for their books, even if the college gets a rebate to put into
facilities...we carry a heavy tuition cost as is.....I think that we should
draft a letter to her in response.

I reported that solicitations have gone out to the large media entities here
at Hunter, for student senators, the Envoy and the radio station. I am
taking suggestions for what more can be done to reach out to students. There
are about 20,000 students here at Hunter, I refuse to believe that all of
them are single parents, holding two full time jobs down, taking 18 credits
a much so that they can't spare time to dedicate to the
affairs of their school.
After making a suggestion that a first year student should be placed on a
new committee overseeing the First Year Experience I was told that student
participation in the senate is too low to consider being that  specific.
Needless to say I was duly offended. We must do all we can to draw student
in. I need your help to do this.

Also raised at the Mtg last Wed. was facilities at the Brookdale campus
serving the nursing students. Broken windows and unbalanced chairs seem to
plague the classrooms. I would like your input on how to deal with this
matter. We could bring it up at a Senate meeting, write a letter to the
administration, or evaluate the situation ourselves befor proceding with any
further course of action. Please lend your views or suggestions on this
matter. I imagine that it might be a small issue that can be rectified by
filling a work order or writing a letter to the facilities mgmt of the
Brookdale campus.

Also raised at the mtg was the desire to have for sale at the Brookdale
campus computer lab, library and game room, floppy disks (singles), to
minimise cost to students. We would also like to ask the Brookdale Coucil to
create support services for students at the campus, assiting with late night
printing and general  school work issues. Again, I do not want to be the
only voice chimming in on these issues....we are a caucus and I would like
to have your input on this as well. The rationale behind this is that the
library and  lab close relatively early and we would like to compensate for
the services that are lost after hours to students in need.

Brookdale campus in general is in shambles and we would like to better the
facilities down there. Starting with the gameroom and the restriction that
have been placed on the use of the conference room and the gameroom in
general. The entire building seems to lack proper ventilation and we do not
think that is fitting to have the students activities curbed in this
manner(restricting usage because of ventialtion issues)

Printing cards are on the table again. We DO NOT WANT TO PAY FOR PRINTING AT
ALL, we will look into the contract with Copico and the usage of the tech
fee. Students, while they have the printing cards now pay the full fee of
the printing and this is not sufficient for us. $5 does not cut it for many
majors, especially those that are writing intensive. We must address that in
the best way possible. again...suggestions


I think that is all for now.....i am keeping you abreast of all the things
that are brewing and i hope that we can find some new blood to bring to this
forum so that we can be taken seriously on that senate floor. I don't want
us to look like whining brats.....its just not sexy!!

truly yours


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