
I have recently been informed of a situation at the school that is slowly brewing. USG student members of the CA are threatening to sue the school because the CA has prohibited them from parading the "SLAM/USG" logo about campus and on their materials based on the notion that it is misleading students into believing that SLAM and USG are one in the same.

Here is an excerpt from what I recieved better detailing the matter:

The USG student members of the College Association are upset that the CA passed
a resolution a few weeks ago prohibiting them form promoting their "USG/SLAM"
logo about the campus (especially regarding and promoting campus events) because
it misled students into believing that SLAM and USG were one in the same. I and
other CA members argued that USG was engaging in subterfuge in order to promote
SLAM (which is not chartered as a club though it has portrayed itself as a club
[and has non-students as "members"] and that they were deliberately trying to
mislead students (some CA members were less direct about the deliberateness of
their actions).

USG, essentially, was participating in a major conflict of interest (imagine
Bush referring, officially, to the US Government as USG/Republican Party).

Anyway, the USG members are threatening to sue - Ron McGuire is their lawyer,
they say - because they argue that their first amendment rights are being
violated. There are grounds here forarguments for First Amendment issue. I hope
they sue so that the subterfuge becomes a public issue. CA will be
discussing/aruging this tomorrow, Wednesday, with College legal counsel and RM
in attendance.

Anyway, I thought you should know, and should attend or have your reps show up
to observe. Because CA meetings are public, my students will be writing articles
and columns from now on about what happens. I am surprised that CA meetings have
never been reported on and covered in depth (I am learning more about Hunter)

I am urging you all, especially the media organizations to attend this meeting tomorrow at 1pm in room 1130 East. There should be proper coverage of this event in our school's media outlets. If you are able to, please send a representative or a reporter to cover the story. I hope that some of you will make the effort to attend the meeting and learn more about this impending event.



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