Hello everyone,
I am a pre med/ post bac student who would like to attend any and all events possible. From what I have seen on the list serve, most events are during the day. Because of my full time job I am unable to attend.
My question to you all is are there events in the evenings for students in my situation? I am really interested in being able to access the same opportunities as the undergraduate students.
If anyone could please help me or direct me in the right direction, I would truly appreciate it.
Good luck to everyone this semester.
Nathalie Espinosa

From: Students who are interested in careers in all medical fields on behalf of L.Wood-Hill
Sent: Wed 9/27/2006 3:58 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: FW: Career Workshop: YOU ARE INVITED...


FYI:  This is a great opportunity for students who will be making application to professional schools for 2008.  You must register in Career Services.  The flyer is attached.  I would like to see at least 10 premeds signed up and there for the meeting!  Sorry about the last minute notice but I just received this today—they forgot to invite us!!!  Please give me a good showing so that this mistake will not happen again.  Read the entire email—there is a pre-workshop form that needs to be filled out before Wednesday. 

Dear Scholars,

You are among a limited number of students invited to a chance to acquire the tools to create a compelling Career Objective that will capture the attention of potential employers.  Ira Ziff, a recruiter for Fortune 100 companies will host an inter-active workshop entitled, "Get What You Set (GWYS)" at Hunter College on Wednesday, October 4 - from 1:00 - 3:00PM in the Sylvia E. Fishman Student Center - Room 417-West.  Originally created for the Harvard Business School Alumni Association, "GWYS removes the confusion and mystery from the process and positions students to be irresistible candidates so they can actualize their career potential," says GWYS' creator, Ira Ziff.

Because the workshop is limited to just 40 students, it is on a first come-first serve basis. I think it is an excellent opportunity for students who want to benefit from this experience. The attached flyer provides additional details about the workshop and how to registered.  Please register in the Office of Career Development Services at [log in to unmask], or stop by Room 805-East.

Students who are register for the workshop must also pick-up a pre-workshop worksheet from Room 805-East or Room 1122-East.  The worksheets will be available from Thursday, September 28 - Tuesday, October 3rd.  It will only take 15-minutes to complete the worksheet, so please make sure it is completed before the workshop begins.  Don't delay, register to day!!!


Eunice Lewis-Broome
Special Projects Manager &
Assistant to the Vice President/Dean of Students
 Hunter College
695 Park Avenue, Room 1122-East
New York, NY  10021
212-650-3266 (Fax)