This looks like a great opportunity for students who would like to have a unique, well-paid experience for their health professions applications!  Doctors, dentists, physical therapists, and all others wanting to work in the health care arena should have some experience working in the government and non-profit sector.  You will see how policies are implemented, assessed, and you will see who these programs help (or don’t help).  And 18 credits in urban studies will make your transcript shine as well.  The information session is on Valentine’s Day in 415West from 1-3PM.  Tell your friends! 

The Public Service Scholar Program
is looking for bright, enthusiastic undergraduates (particularly women, minorities & immigrants) who are interested in exploring public service careers.  This program is open to all majors.
        The Public Service Scholar Program is a year-long program (SeptemberMay) which combines an internship of 20 hours per week in a government or nonprofit agency with two special seminars focused on New York City.  Students applying to the program should have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be within 45 credits of graduation by Fall 2007 (i.e., upper juniors or lower seniors).  Forparticipating, students receive 18 credits in Urban Studies and a $6,000 stipend.
        We are now in the process of recruiting students for the 20072008 program.  Students interested in this unique opportunity, please see Nicholas Giampetruzzi (Room W1643, ext. 5599) applications and brochures are on the door, applications may also be printed out, see our web-site,  The application deadline is March 15, 2007.

        If you have any questions or if you would like additional information, please see our web-site or call.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Application should be submitted no later than March 15th, Application packages can be slid under door W1643.

An information session for students will be held in room W415, on February 14th during Deans hours: 1:10-3:00.

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