Re: clips from online publications
This has really been helpful. 
Can I throw in two other questions?  And I should say in advance that I know partial answers to each, but would value additional suggestions.
1) What organizations -- both local and national -- should a student journalist explore and consider? I am afraid my answer would be partial and I would be grateful for suggestions. I know, for example,  that quite a while back Gregg clued me in to the valuable activities of The Deadline Club. And I know about SPJ and AEJMC. But others will certainly know this terrain much better than  I do.
2) The  next question is related: There are an incredible number of Internet resources (listservs, blogs, RSS feeds, etc) for those who want to follow issues related to journalists and journalism. I read a number of them. But I am certain that I must be missing some good ones. Suggestions?
The sources I use that come to mind are:
Websites:  AJR; CJR; Casey Journalism Center on Children and Families; The Center for Social Media;  The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press; DART Center on Journalism and Trauma
Daily Email Bulletins/Briefings: "Daily Media News Feed"; SPJ "Pressnotes"
RSS Feeds: Poynter/Romanesko; NPR's On the Media Radio Program;  Jack Shafer's Media Column in Slate Magazine; "PR Watch" of the Center for Media and Democracy.

From: HCJ on behalf of Bernard L. Stein
Sent: Mon 4/2/2007 9:51 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: clips from online publications

I put the question to Jeff Jarvis, the Internet savant at CUNY's new graduate school of journalism. Here's his answer.
Bernard L. Stein

"I hate to make blogs the cure for the common cold but...

"Blog software is the easiest content-mangement and publishing system ever made. I would use a blog as a means of presenting portfolio work. I don't mean that the work needs to be surrounding by blog writing.
One may just use a blog to publish your work.

"At the simplest level, this allows one to link to any work you've done anywhere else (including clips on mainstream sites, files on CUNY servers, PDFs on your own server, etc.).

"WordPress also brings the ability to publish pages, not just blog posts. So you may take an article and put it on a WordPress page and then link to that from the blog.

"Video can be posted to services such as or and then embedded in the blog. Or one may link to video files on a server to be played. (I'd recommend the former; it's so much easier for all.)

Sandeep [Junnarkar, who teaches the interactive classes] and I are recommending to students that they get their own domain for their portfolios and that they establish an account to get blog software. One may use a free service such as, or paid and hosted services such as and Those are all easy (I'd recommend WordPress among them). To ratchet this up a bit, I've recommended a very cheap hosting service, A Small Orange, where one can get one's own account on a server for $25 a year; this
then enables the ability to put files on a server once they're taken off a university server."