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Chat The Planet Launches Hometown Baghdad

Chat the Planet, a global dialogue company that connects young people from around the world via the Internet, along with local filmmakers in Baghdad, Iraq have come together to create a fascinating, insightful documentary web series entitled Hometown Baghdad. The short installments follow the lives of young Iraqi men and women who are trying to survive in Baghdad during the invasion and occupation by U.S. forces.

New York based producer Laurie Meadoff writes, "...After four years of war, we still know next to nothing about normal Iraqis. The life of the everyday Iraqi is the great-untold story of this war. And [Hometown Baghdad] will hopefully change that. If enough people in America see this, it could potentially affect in its own small way the way Americans see the Middle East."

In order for this series to reach as broad an audience as possible, Chat the Planet and the filmmakers are distributing it for free via the Internet. V-Day encourages you all to not only watch these short episodes, but to forward them on to friends and family.

Simone Delgado