If you don’t write, you can’t get rejected

If you don’t get rejected, you can’t get published


Have you written a "letter to the editor" which has been rejected by a newspaper or other publication, but which you believe would enhance the quality of public awareness, discussion, and activism? We are soliciting letters like these for a unique new publication.  We are looking for letters that transcend the systemic amnesia of the daily news, and will have ongoing relevance for our readers and potential authors. The letter need not be current, but it should still be pertinent or of historical interest.


In the press, "Letters to the Editor" pages silently assert that journalism includes a place for the voice of the public. But inconvenient truths are too often absent. Visionary thoughts are rarely heard. Proposals for democratic social change and improvement are, for the most part, out of sight.  Rejected Letters to the Editor, a new independent online magazine, is designed to provide an important, if only partial, corrective. 


RLTE can be found at http://www.rejectedletterstotheeditor.com.  It is available to readers at no cost.


Our goal at Rejected Letters to the Editor is to expand the visible spectrum of ideas.  To publish letters that will broaden public discussion beyond the boundaries set by the gatekeepers of our mental environment. We hold to the democratic conviction that public opinion must be educated by, and conversant with, the course of human events, and we will seek to publish letters that allow essential perspectives, presently unacknowledged by respected newspapers, to see the light of day.


Our purpose is not to provide a dumping ground for every letter sent to a "letters page," but to publish letters that editors knowledgeable in a variety of fields believe will add to public understanding of the pressing—and not so pressing—issues of our time. We are uninterested in contributing to the widespread notion of "information overload."  Through our editorial choices, we hope to add clarity and knowledge that is too often fugitive. Rather than adhering to the mind-numbing news cycle, we will be publishing fortnightly and maintaining an archive of all letters that appear in the publication.


Please address your submissions to [log in to unmask].  Your submissions will plant the seeds that will grow this publication and advance the goal of serious public discussion about the burning issues of our time.  Your voice will inspire others, and the long-term results will be to enrich the terrain of democracy.  Please let us know which publication you sent the letter to, the item (with date) you were responding to, and the best way to contact you if necessary.


As you will see when you visit the site, letters are organized under the following department categories: PLANET, NATION, NEIGHBORHOOD, WAR & PEACE, IMMIGRATION, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS, EDUCATION, HEALTH, LABOR, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, POLITICS & PROPAGANDA, CULTURE & IDEAS, MEMORY & AMNESIA, BELIEFS. 


Even if you don't have a letter, please let others know about RLTE. If you are in contact with socially concerned people in your community, local associations, listservs or organizations committed to the principle of an inclusive, informed and engaged public, please spread the word and pass on this call.


Democracy is coming.


Stuart Ewen, Editor-in-Chief

Robin Locke Monda, Managing Editor