I am not saying I find this article fully convincing, but I do think it is fascinating to think about how the Watergate story would be covered today in  light of many of the new journalism issues and tools we discuss on this list. This is just one scenario, and others could also be imagined, but I thought you might find it interesting.
By the way, to the students on the list I would suggest that, if you are not up to snuff on the Washington Post's 1972 - 1974 coverage of Watergate that brought down President Nixon, you might do a little research. Woodward and Bernstein's book "All the President's Men" is a good place to start. It is now 35 years since the first stories appeared appearance in The Post.
Prof. Steve Gorelick
Editor & Publisher
How Joe Strupp sees it: "If Watergate had broken today, chances are someone would have posted a news story with inaccurate information too early, or the in-depth reporting needed might have been neglected in favor of quicker, more immediate, and more broad-interest scoops. That is not to say that the Washington Post, still among the best daily papers and Web sites in the industry, would not have been on top of the story. But there is no doubt that online and immediacy demands of today could have impacted the careful, slow-building and meticulous coverage."
Posted at 11:19:57 AM
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