Journalism and the web

Hunter graduates Sarah Stuteville and Jessica Partnow, cutting-edge journalists whose Common Language Project is a leading example of how the World Wide Web can permit young reporters to explore forgotten corners of the world, will return to Hunter on Friday, Oct. 26 to talk about their latest work.

As founders and executive editors of the Common Language Project, Stuteville and Partnow search out personal stories that illuminate broader issues often ignored by traditional media. They will show examples from the two-year old, award-winning Web site (, and speak about ways that the digital age has created new opportunities to connect people around the globe. 

They will speak in Room 1130 on the 11th floor of the East building from 2-3:30 p.m. The free program is open to all, and refreshments will be served. 

Both alumnae graduated in January 2006, Stuteville, the winner in 2005 of Hunter’s James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism, with honors in Media Studies, Partnow with honors in Sociology.