Subject: Student Alert: Email Addresses!!!

The following comes from a former Hunter student who is now a professional
journalist and wishes to remain anonymous. His concern was directed at, of
course, journalism students but I've extended the range:

"Students need to have professional sounding email addresses!"

[log in to unmask], [log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask] might be cool
for students in arts and entertainment (like rock, rap, theater, whatever)
but some potential employers offering jobs/internships might not be

If you aren't sure, inquire at Career Development when you take your
resumes, cover letters and portfolios there.

Posted at request of anonymous professional journalist,

G Morris


- Read the WORD,
- Lori Berenson Unfairly Imprisoned in Peru
- Free Lori:,


"There is an insatiable appetite for race-related discourse in the country.
Imus is just a barstool bigot, but there is such a river of anxiety about
race in the culture that it doesn't take much to tap into it."
       -- Edward Wasserman, a journalism professor at Washington and Lee

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