Hi Ms. Wood-Hill,


The PHPB Club will be sending a group to volunteer at McCarren Park in
Brooklyn for Hands on NY Day.  Would you be able to forward this to your
listserv?  We can only accept 20 people for our team so the first 20 that
RSVP will be given priority-after that there will be a waiting list.  Thank


John Creegan

Secretary, PreHealth PostBacc Club

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Creegan <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mar 14, 2008 2:53 PM
Subject: Hands on New York Day, Saturday, April 12th
To: [log in to unmask]


Hi everyone!


Last semester, the Hunter Post Bacc Club E-Bd mobilized some 60+ members for
NY Cares Day.  We painted murals, organized storage rooms, and had a
fantastic opportunity to make the grounds of PS 133 a little brighter for
its students.  Click here <http://nycares2007.shutterfly.com/>  to see
pictures from NY Cares Day 2007.


Now, the Hunter Post Bacc Club is mobilizing another group for a similar
project with New York Cares: 


Hands on New York Day


Date: Saturday, April 12th


Where: McCarren Park, Brooklyn (Lorimer St L train stop, 2 stops into


Why: Because you'll be joining 5,500 other volunteers for a good cause - to
give our city's public spaces an annual spring-cleaning, plus it's a day
outside away from the books!


Unfortunately we can only accommodate 20 participants this year.  


Please e-mail me off listserv at  <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
[log in to unmask] if you'd like to participate.  The first 20 people to
respond will be allocated a spot on Team Hunter.


Include the following:



Cell Phone:


Just like we did this fall at New York Cares Day, participants will be
encouraged to raise money in support of NY Cares and their day of service.

Thank you in advance for your support!


New York Cares ( <http://www.nycares.org/> www.nycares.org) is New York
City's leading volunteer organization. They work with over 850 nonprofit
organizations and schools throughout the five boroughs, touching the lives
of over 335,000 disadvantaged New Yorkers every year. As well as being New
York's largest day of volunteer service, this event is also an important
fundraiser for New York Cares, helping support their work 365 days a year.

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