Anyone interested in staying in Singapore for ten years should think about applying to this unique program.  You not only do the four years of medical school, you have a mandatory one year postdoc to complete and 5 years in residency and practice as a service obligation for attending this school; so 10 years total would be spent there.  It is an English language school and you are still given the MD from Duke and the Singapore School of Medicine.  



From: Alison B Atherton [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 9:39 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Duke's new medical school in Singapore


Dear Lolita,

Please find attached a short newsletter about Duke's new medical school in Singapore.  Feel free to distribute it to any students who might be interested in this opportunity.

Warm regards,

Alison Atherton, PhD
Singapore Education Liaison
Duke University School of Medicine
Davison Building, Green Zone, Room 501A
DUMC 3899
Durham, NC   27710
phone:  919-684-8329


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