This is a great opportunity for disadvantaged students (economically
disadvantaged or from a group underrepresented in medicine here in the
US-African-American, Hispanic, Native American, Native Hawaiian).  




WHO:     College Freshmen (NYC & NJ residents)

WHAT:  Health Careers Opportunity Program

~ Make a Difference in YOUR future

~ Improve your chances for acceptance into medical school

~ Join other students like you for a six week summer enrichment program

~ Continued support each summer until application to medical school

WHERE:  NJMS or Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

WHEN :  June 1 ~ July 17, 2009 (New Jersey Medical School)

                  June 15 ~July 31, 2009 (Columbia University College of
Physicians and Surgeons)





Application Deadline: Has been extended to April 1, 2009. 

The Selection Process

Notification: Students are admitted on a rolling basis.
Students must also provide proof of health insurance once admitted to the

Completed applications should be mailed to the respective site: 

Columbia University 
College of Physicians and Surgeons
Office of Diversity
630 W 168th Street, 
Suite 3-401
Attn: MedPrep
New York, NY 10032 

UMDNJ - New Jersey Medical School
Office of Special Programs
185 South Orange Avenue
Medical Science Building - B 624
Newark, NJ 07101


MEDPREP Application



Scholars selected for this highly competitive program will be expected to
complete MedPrep 1, 2, and 3. Upon completion of the 3 phases, a composite
letter of recommendation will be sent to your undergraduate institution. 

Application Instructions: 

1. Students must be United States Citizens or a permanent resident. Student
Visas are not accepted. Permanent residents are required to demonstrate
proof of status by providing a copy of both sides of their Green Card.

2. A personal statement on why you wish to participate, and what you hope to
gain from the summer program.

3. Two letters of recommendation, sealed and signed, from science and/or
math professor.

4. A current official transcript which includes Fall 2008 grades sealed from
the university.

5. All programs run a full day. If you are taking credit courses, working or
have demands that would require you to miss class, we suggest that you not
submit an application.






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