Dear Pre-Health Students:

There have been a lot of questions regarding the $10 fee for committee letters. Please read the bullets below carefully:

Your fee will be $20 at most.

The documents on the pre-health website that say $10 for each application is referring to the AMCAS application and the AACOMAS application, not the individual secondary applications to each school.

If you are applying to schools in the Caribbean or one of the very few schools that do not use AMCAS or AACOMAS then you will need to provide us with a large, stamped (3), addressed manila envelope for each school. There is no fee for mailing just the stamped envelopes are required.

Letters of Recommendation:

If you are receiving a Committee Letter, the Committee will choose which Letters of Recommendation will be appended to your Committee Letter. We DO NOT send all letters, as this defeats the purpose of a Committee Letter, which is a summary of all of the things in your pre-health file. The Pre-Health Office attaches the recommendation to the final Committee Letter, and uploads it to Virtual Evals for AMCAS and/or AACOMAS. You do not need to fill out a separate letter request form or ask recommenders to send letters separately. The Pre-Health Office carefully reviews each letter of recommendation in a file and determines which letters will be beneficial to a student’s application.

As a reminder, we DO NOT send out Committee Letters until AMCAS or AACOMAS applications are submitted and MCAT scores are released to our office.

Please review of all the requirements to have a Committee Letter sent out please go here: