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Join ONE - Supermarket Resources for RDs
Here's What's New in January 2013

Oldways invites you to sign up for a free account with our new ONE program. ONE -- the Oldways Nutrition Exchange - is an online Oldways resource connecting dietitians with companies and organizations that offer healthy products. Every month, we post themed "Toolkits" of educational and nutritional materials on the ONE web portal<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001xwOsV-IlSQBN5Ozifh9Y65Y1NZggqpFLVqIoIt3iLUsfXlFdOO3sNYTviLc1UsA6GvyaJSE3wemYMoQXEXH4XFXhxCqZI_sPHZuBra12C7rx6jMCmrkEN1oDDz0h7F0GqTBCvkzXsijAT4fPWcAq6ZlFm1NRvZkH>, combining the best industry materials with information that draws on Oldways' respected expertise.

Who's Already Joined ONE?
You'll be joining a great group of hundreds of dietitians. ONE members not only work in supermarkets, but also in just about every area where RDs make a difference. As we start our fourth month of ONE, our more than 800 members include supermarket RDs at four dozen supermarket chains representing more than 13,000 stores. They're joined by dietitians in private practice, at hospitals, at universities, community health, WIC, county extension, corporate wellness, food companies, PR firms, and more. We welcome everyone!

NEW January Toolkits
We've now posted two new January Toolkits. Like our previous Toolkits, these Kits contain all kinds of resources designed to help RDs like you immediately in your work.


Heart Healthy<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001xwOsV-IlSQBoslZWlEaYd0I_0el642ObGTqWKw2dQtUK-5Uyf7pCD3_9mIvHuCsl9EFWwgRmCC4bnm5tfjNZi7nwtY6oqZtWAe6Dcq9RuqOJNxBVVycaIAgpsBQtxegRaN9s2ahU8PeuYCbelkvvw7z3qQGr-lEU1iEOQlNkJiAlCBt7xKqQPytDnNkLhXxMfkCFCtYRn18=> (January 2013)
February is Heart Health Month, so get ready now with information on foods that make a special contribution to heart health, like fish, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, soy, and nuts. These resources show how good-for-you foods can taste good, too. We've even included some classic jump rope rhymes to encourage activity!

African Heritage and Health<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001xwOsV-IlSQAf5sfXgoCrHFThw5sDJTKCe_CP3usGKA4DnS0ql7mAC4YAlTyUUnboBoqvR4jUAy-qHIvT5OXjhUuHLSwD2SkUuGdz33y8iwxvNkDxPBn0WBm_akg2KmO6hus0N3OIktU0YGRjRhrJ0wd1zz780Yjxcm-9BfDx2aSZq8Donba8vEWceG71nQ1Kwpyj64mijQjaAuuPP1Tqvup1yT5Ip7iL> (January 2013)
Celebrate African Heritage & Health Week, February 1 to 7 (part of Black History Month) -- or enjoy the savory flavors and naturally healthy features of African Heritage Cuisine anytime, by trying an authentic African heritage meal from Africa, the Caribbean, South America, or the American South. See what makes African Heritage Cuisine the next big food trend.

Previous Toolkits Still Available to You
Our Supermarket Toolkits stay posted for a full twelve months. Check these previous kits out now - or just take mental note, knowing these topics will be there when you need them. You'll be able to make downloads from them as soon as you sign up for a free ONE account.

Super Bowl Snacks<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001xwOsV-IlSQB7AmPzABHyZ44GlLEyYucAPtetBcNC92gAntNeUUTEiDhy13_4miACa3IFYmH488cVgSZrvzw_v8xN5-DDiYYip8UAK5PQT5S2QKTaQW8seuYMHbs3_OKCxMGSSW6wqB6qtoT9BvDc0NGDAKZ7SU-ooWqQDxZ4VnTDErOY1leie6lPTr-7bulrNpxIb-dYw42jf4hT39vESA==> (December 2012)
Our Super Bowl Snacks Toolkit helps stores promote snacks that score big on fun and flavor, without putting a penalty on shoppers' waistlines.

Delicious Eating on a Budget<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001xwOsV-IlSQAskCODXHQCqcVQEcL76Tot7UfTtWNMXmln94exCQkNyBMV8Q_EEYIaFYkNGZNO4FUkPpNAz7QccENJR0A4M1A9RL12gu7PKtMGkZ70c4r6HIba9LgBp_xwqZqjJwucLVTh24DQfJ2ttwqwXatX8Wb7bcDwXJo0E86uqlAG1guf0V1kbGuJSi7DRKdV4ewmBfrVsovGoymUCQ==> (December 2012)
Many people assume that healthy eating has to be expensive. That's not the case at all! This Toolkit highlights scores of ways to save, without giving up healthy, delicious foods.

Gluten Free<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001xwOsV-IlSQA-Az1IC2BMegJSbwFpUds-p47Uuk9j0kqOb4H6pI6DG6F_SbrYZXsp7_c792IufMUrI1y7IYskEDrqEsPO74xxNYFJHL-m3VkoPMcdfuuSY3URVAvxgN1ymV4z_iQcT5MTk7VuzNiHrHaDw1u2zPM_3FfLDXN_rhcvDNHA0fx3WbuA9vKQm6-t6wHgKZONeoQ=> (November 2012)
Our GF Toolkit separates fact from fiction, with resources to help shoppers with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity understand and shop for gluten free foods.

Healthy Holiday Entertaining<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001xwOsV-IlSQDN8Ls351aoOMVcMljymH_Hjv1ByOm_o-_1Fv0w71mBAOzdXkwYP2LzH9d5ql9LYl1uffJyRtlu8mfFVdX2OAI4cIFWI-S-qRFnVEiR88hODdDNVyuYD1QpNwYAmI7p7JOSc6Worx2e0jJ1a3buAafIHFrZxpntsoKYEzldazOA9bK2Ec8Zt-2nmeMPXwOX3-ObLOlDVi8rbOaKr44BYRWL> (November 2012)
This ONE toolkit is full of suggestions for how to set a bountiful table that encourages eating healthy foods and drinking in moderation - while still enjoying those special occasions.

Easy Weeknight Family Meals<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001xwOsV-IlSQB7AmPzABHyZzRx6ddrF5x3ZJdDDuc_9BvzHy_nY3qzA1hiOyeNiynm2DWXiECjLdF4bUWE7hBbJc2TwwvCjVN5cNEqRYudmy87YIKxdfYuXO_uUUX-L7DNKwHwjPPBNxhkttcBB5j9zReqLESYGv5rK8FJzeXE3eutJtcg8xL7rsaC8E1A-ESZD8wIgnTt9Xc_v9r9enL0S0T_R9xTPFIq> (October 2012)
What can you cook quickly, that even picky eaters will enjoy - and do it in minutes? This ONE Toolkit includes a wealth of tips to encourage shoppers to keep on cooking.


"Is it OK to Reprint the Resources in ONE Toolkits?"
A new ONE member wrote us this month, asking if it was okay to reprint the resources in our ONE Toolkits. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! That's what they're there for. Use part or all of an article in your newsletter, or a blog, or on your website. Hand out our recipes, or use them in cooking demos. Use a PowerPoint at your next community presentation. All we ask is that you credit ONE and the source listed at the bottom of the resource under "brought to you by." For instance, if you use some information in a blog, you could include, at the end, "Some information in this blog courtesy of the Oldways Nutrition Exchange and XYZ Foods."

Log In and Access Toolkits
Click on the links above to access these Toolkits, or simply visit the main ONE page at http://www.oldwayspt.org/programs/oldways-nutrition-exchange<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001xwOsV-IlSQABd9vVQBmOousg_fOARF1OmCvEcq1Bn-fTKrWVsT9WJVw725M1R7dvndlGmUnmzrJ8Cr2GSmZOBne2jWXae6r9mEEhGpTdR300En9plRplxY7qj4QAUIM2jD3K4i-zPXVDbPOVNKBm359hWOBjTp8I37Xdo1EGrvI=>. Even non-members can browse; once you've signed up for a free ONE account you can also download resources. No bothersome passwords to remember --  all you need is the email address you used when you signed up, and a single log-in lasts multiple visits. Please urge your friends and colleagues to sign up, too!

We'll write again next month to announce our February ONE Toolkit topics. In the meantime, we hope you'll join ONE. Email Cynthia Harriman<mailto:[log in to unmask]> with any questions.
Best regards,

Cynthia Harriman
Director of Food and Nutrition Strategies
Oldways / The Whole Grains Council
617-896-4820 * [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>


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