If you are interested in learning about strategies for obesity prevention in the U.S. Southern states, please read on...
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[2012 SOS]

Southern Obesity Prevention Strategy

Pillar Workgroup Conference/Planning Calls!

THI and Southern Obesity Prevention Strategy workgroups are hosting planning calls for each of our pillars in January.  You are welcome to participate in any and all of these calls if you are interested in learning more about each strategy for obesity prevention across the South. Our goal is to identify key players, determine what type of resources and educational opportunities would be helpful and outline next steps.  Each group can determine how best to proceed.

We have identified a "Focus Month" for each strategy as well and during that month we will bring together experts on each specific issue to share insights and offer guidance.  All groups will continue to work during the interim with a goal of reconvening and reporting progress at the Southern Obesity Summit in Nashville in the Fall of 2013!

If you would like to review the strategies or learn more about SOS, click here.<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001tRffzeLPVm1vWg8rNY1Rbb-ChEvuIEX_8tipzcIj-YGpUQk2UZnuQMTmfPYM86fLMg_67q7YpLLbrHVCTefjpdgnefPrHiSgyCsb3Ey-pyJ0avLRko7cN0Qr0xJ5f5gHTnycuDZWOE6eytZwRck3oyllvczfASWcFIOoXZqrEQ8WXmC6TRbtSEOG4vF3eUY3WogrnnRRBBj-wL7cxO55aq2dkF5kuHp-6uQdmoy7HiU=>

You can also Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter:



Conference line: 1-866-854-1027, passcode: 512-465-1040#

Focus Months are identified in the parenthesis below:

1/16/13       10:30 am CST   Early Childhood (July)

1/17/13       1:00 pm CST     Schools (April)

1/18/13       1:00 pm CST     Physical Activity (May)

1/23/13       1:00 pm CST     Worksites (June)

1/24/13       11:30 am CST   Food Safety/Systems (March)

1/25/13       10:30 am CST   Healthcare/Healthcare Systems (February)


1-866-951-1151, conference room #4856004

1/29/13       11:30 am CST     Food Policy (September)

Thank you,

The Southern Obesity Summit Planning Team

Michelle Smith: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Amanda Royston: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Stephanie Ondrias: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>






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