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This is the last time I will be forwarding the Supermarket Toolkits materials from Oldways.  If you want to continue receiving it monthly, please sign for the Oldways newsletter at  /as




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New Toolkits for RDs - March 2013


Every month we post themed "Toolkits" of educational and nutritional materials designed to help dietitians spread the word about healthy eating. We invite you to join ONE by signing up for a FREE account. Click here to sign up.


2013 Supermarket RD Symposium

Oldways held its third annual Supermarket RD Symposium in Dallas February 27-March 1, organized by Barbara Ruhs, MS, RD, LDN of Bashas' Family of Stores and Oldways' Georgia Orcutt. Forty-six supermarket RDs exchanged information with twenty sponsor companies on ways to work together for a healthier food supply. You can see news from the symposium, including most speaker presentations, on the Oldways website.


NEW March Toolkits

Our two new March Toolkits are now posted and ready for your use, with a wealth of resources designed to help you immediately in your work. You'll be able to make downloads from any of our kits as soon as you sign up for a free ONE account.



May is Med Diet Month (March 2013)

May is International Mediterranean Diet Month, a chance to focus on one of the world's healthiest-- and most delicious-- diets. The health benefits of the Med Diet have been all over the news lately, so this is a great time to steer shoppers toward foods that are part of the Med Diet, to help them establish healthy, life-long eating habits -- in May or in any month!

Breakfast 101 (March 2013)

Starting the day with a good breakfast is essential. This kit includes information on eggs, juice, milk, whole grains, and other breakfast choices, as well as useful health research, so you can inspire everyone to make breakfast a priority.  


Nine Previous Toolkits Still Available to You

Our Supermarket Toolkits stay posted for a full twelve months. Here are our four most recent kits that you may want to check out, if you haven't already explored them. Make sure to visit the Access ONE Toolkits page whenever you need resources - we've probably got what you need.


Whole Grain Sampling Day (February 2013)

April 3rd -- National Whole Grain Sampling Day -- is the perfect time for supermarkets to offer specials on whole grains, to hold nutrition classes, store tours, or in-store cooking demos. 


Fabulous from the Freezer (February 2013)

Making wise use of the household freezer can be an important step toward healthier, affordable eating. The resources in this kit help everyone understand the benefits of frozen foods.  


Heart Healthy (January 2013)
Heart health is important year round, so we've put together resources on fish, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, soy and nuts - foods known for their heart healthiness. 


African Heritage and Health (January 2013)  The true culinary heritage of African Americans is full of savory flavors and naturally healthy features. Learn more and connect to other Oldways resources here.




What topics are scheduled for the coming months?

Some of you have told us that you'd like to know the upcoming schedule of ONE toolkits ahead of time. Your every wish is our command! You can check out the  ONE Toolkit Editorial Calendar on our website here. Do you have a topic you'd like us to consider for a toolkit? Email Cynthia Harriman with your suggestions.


Log In and Access Toolkits

Click on the links above to access these Toolkits, or simply visit the main ONE page at Even non-members can browse; once you've signed up for a free ONE account you can also download resources. No bothersome passwords to remember --  all you need is the email address you used when you signed up, and a single log-in lasts multiple visits. Please urge your friends and colleagues to sign up, too!


We'll write again next month to announce our April ONE Toolkit topics. In the meantime, we hope you'll join ONE. Email Cynthia Harriman with any questions.


Best regards,


Cynthia Harriman

Director of Food and Nutrition Strategies

Oldways / The Whole Grains Council

617-896-4820 * [log in to unmask]



Oldways | 266 Beacon Street | Boston | MA | 02116


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