[Leadership for Healthy Communities - Advancing Policies to Support Healthy Eating and Active Living]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001J9KtMSKCFbtJ7ObDKnV0Tb3EeDev6rtATgvc_yZXR8-ePJg7KGUPNJNQ4RBzzZWmdIbwIFRCvWkQNXBMJ_xCmBzSTq_P9tp2nLCr3MfT2dpJIrrMhs1eBovz6ZP7MJdwoqFJKFih73YDk53uSr_Opw==>

Webinar Announcement

July 2013


Leadership for Healthy Communities Webinar

Marketing Matters:
How Local Governments Can Address Food Marketing to Children
Thursday, July 25, 2013
2:00-3:00pm EST

This webinar will provide an overview of the role local governments can play to effectively reduce the marketing of unhealthful foods and beverages to children. Research shows a strong connection between marketing practices that target youth and an increase in the consumption of junk food that contributes to childhood obesity. Moving beyond industry self-regulation, several local governments have adopted innovative strategies to minimize the prevalence of unhealthy food and food marketing. Presenters will share examples of successful policy options to promote the marketing of healthier food and beverage options.

Register Here!<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001J9KtMSKCFbsf5c3uYyUQ2t5MpJR3NSTta_2sLQPouK1Fh2bjvxYoq6ybvXBqmEvn9jl5UMhI6p0nzC7vF7TSc91kk3k7AuWTiYUeGola4iOkQk-hG8VBx6gsy3t5QbKIfQtK5ck2rvKivQRS4n2wVOQUxwlRd0ycO41N4X4B5Y0K68g0krpnOg==>
For questions or further information, please email Elizabeth Hinman<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

Webinar Presenters Include:

     *   Jennifer Harris, Ph.D., M.B.A., Director of Marketing Initiatives, Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity
     *   Kate Klimczak, M.P.P., Nutrition Policy Associate, Center for Science in the Public Interest
     *   Jeffrey Smith, Ed.D., Superintendent, Balsz School District, Phoenix, Ariz.

Free Registration: Click Here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001J9KtMSKCFbsf5c3uYyUQ2t5MpJR3NSTta_2sLQPouK1Fh2bjvxYoq6ybvXBqmEvn9jl5UMhI6p0nzC7vF7TSc91kk3k7AuWTiYUeGola4iOkQk-hG8VBx6gsy3t5QbKIfQtK5ck2rvKivQRS4n2wVOQUxwlRd0ycO41N4X4B5Y0K68g0krpnOg==>


[Leadership for Healthy Communities is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001J9KtMSKCFbtJ7ObDKnV0Tb3EeDev6rtATgvc_yZXR8-ePJg7KGUPNJNQ4RBzzZWmdIbwIFRCvWkQNXBMJ_xCmBzSTq_P9tp2nLCr3MfT2dpJIrrMhs1eBovz6ZP7MJdwoqFJKFih73YDk53uSr_Opw==>

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Leadership for Healthy Communities | 1300 L Street, NW | Suite 975 | Washington | DC | 20005

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