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Emerging Leaders in Public Health Nutrition Training Institute

Emerging Leaders in Public Health Nutrition Training Institute

The Emerging Leaders in Public Health Nutrition Training Institute is recruiting public health nutritionists for the 2014-15 institute.  We are looking for nutritionists employed with a state or local public health agency or in a community-based program that is interested in being a future nutrition leader in the field of MCH/public health nutrition.

To qualify for the program, the nutritionist must meet the following qualifications:

  *   Be identified as an emerging nutrition leader, which is defined as someone who has been employed as a community/public health nutritionist for not less than four and not more than  ten years;
  *   A Registered Dietitian/ Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, or licensed/certified nutritionist/dietitian;
  *   Work in the area of MCH within a state or local public health agency or a community-based organization;
  *   Work in a state or territory east of the Rocky Mountains; and,
  *   Demonstrated leadership at work, within a professional organization or in the community.

For further information and to request an application, please contact Margaret Tate<>.


Our mailing address is:
120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60606

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