If you haven't joined NYCNEN (pron. "nice-nen")' I encourage you do so. /as

Promoting Healthy Eating Patterns in School-Aged Children:  Does Nutrition Education Really Work?


Dear NYCNEN Members and Friends,

We hope that you will be able to join us on Friday, October 4th for NYCNEN's first  general meeting, "Promoting Healthy Eating Patterns in School-Aged Children:  Does Nutrition Education Really Work?"  Presenters will discuss the evaluation of preschool, elementary and middle school curricula.  Attendees will also learn about how various nutrition education programs can be connected with school through the new School Wellness Works Portal.

Promoting Healthy Eating Patterns in School-Aged Children:  Does Nutrition Education Really Work?

Date: Friday, October 4th

Time: 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. (Registration: 8:30 a.m. The meeting will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m.)

Location: Teachers College, Columbia University,525 West 120th Street (between Broadway and Amsterdam),179 Grace Dodge Hall

Cost: Free for NYCNEN members; non-members $5

RSVP to: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!

NYCNEN's Steering and Envisioning Committee

Become a member! NYCNEN is an active viable organization, dedicated to educating and supporting a network of members who seek to improve the food and nutrition environment for a healthier New York City. Visit www.nycnen.org<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ybZEpf8lQETht21_nJh9ve9POKEUsSE2AidOC7vivC18AKjkvR7Rw_Oi9vYPXpRpgrMpvCUAS7JoCrbXsSHYPVcOUZ2gZ-8S2E8CSTCFDbuoaZgYDEa0yWBvxviwnruJH1OkjhAS6fKr7lp0QNDkJsgroRn-SIH7rhMwX3WZKG8=&c=GhovF0ce8Hi_w2jrEJIv-TsM89mHXhun7cGFSqaTJVGUP8Z45yOV7A==&ch=zKKWEI0sFUU2jGqSZrL8ncn6x5_378FTQTOqq1p3uAQY2-NIrAo7Tw==> for more information!

Stay connected.

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New York City Nutrition Education Network | 525 West 120th St. | Box 137 | New York | NY | 10027