William Dietz wrote a nice commentary in Health Affairs about the need to mobilize parents and use social media to improve food marketing to children.

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Mobilize Parents to Improve Food Marketing to Kids

Children are exposed to a wide range of marketing for unhealthy foods and beverages, putting them at greater risk for obesity. But industry commitments to change marketing practices have had a limited impact, and federal regulatory efforts have stalled.

A commentary published today in Health Affairs looks at past efforts to improve food marketing to children and charts a path for the future. The author recommends mobilizing parents, using social media to hold industry accountable, and exploring how new technology could help limit exposure to unhealthy marketing.

  *   Read the commentary by William Dietz, former director of the Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and view new research on food and beverage marketing to children.<http://links.mkt2511.com/ctt?kn=9&ms=NTcwODc2OQS2&r=MzMwODE3NTQ2MDAS1&b=0&j=MzM2MDQ5MzgyS0&mt=1&rt=0>



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