
The House has proposed to cut $40 billion dollars from nutrition programs, including SNAP and SNAP ED, in the Nutrition Reform & Work Opportunity Act. The House will likely vote on this proposal in the next few days.

The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities has estimated that this proposal would deny up to 6 million people access to the SNAP Program. Feeding America estimates that the cuts will translate into loss of 1.5 billion meals per year for the next ten years.

Click on the following link to send letters, it takes only a few minutes: http://bit.<http://postlink.www.listbox.com/1576224/88fd5548c51abe63797e00dd71294be0/10062519/6e5390a9?uri=aHR0cDovL2JpdC5seS8xYUZuZGZE>ly<http://postlink.www.listbox.com/1576224/88fd5548c51abe63797e00dd71294be0/10062519/6e5390a9?uri=aHR0cDovL2JpdC5seS8xYUZuZGZE>/1aFndfD
It is urgent that members of Congress hear from you. Please take action today.

Respond  to the action alert "Oppose Cuts to Nutrition Programs."

Sandra J. McNeil,MA,RDN,CDN,FADA
NYSDA Public Policy Coordinator


        [http://postlink.www.listbox.com/1576226/3379085af0f1cf7fc3708f04b4471ae2/10062519/6e5390a9.png?uri=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubGlzdGJveC5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2xpc3Rib3gtbG9nby1zbWFsbC5wbmc] <http://postlink.www.listbox.com/1576225/ceaef0abaafb826b7a7a90ddf36178e1/10062519/6e5390a9?uri=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXN0Ym94LmNvbQ>