February 25th 12pm CST/ 1pm EST

Healthy Food Action presents:

Fish, Fats, and Pollutants (Mercury) the first in our #FoodPollution webinar series: Food Pollution: What clinicians (and parents) need to know.
Please help us out by sharing this event with your networks and JOIN the discussion<http://bit.ly/1f7lvo9>.

Mercury continues to contaminate freshwater fish and seafood, to varying degrees - despite global cooperation to reduce environmental mercury. Patient advice on eating fish needs to balance nutritional benefits and the risks from mercury (or other toxic pollutants). On that there is wide agreement. But there's no consensus on how best to provide that advice.  Meanwhile, the science and policy context are rapidly evolving. (Just this Fall, the U.S. signed a new global convention on mercury reduction.) For an update on what clinicians (and parents) should know, join Emily Oken, MD, MPH of Harvard Medical School and Ned Groth, PhD of the Mercury Policy Project. For this first webinar in our new series on Food Pollution, Mark Mitchell, MD, MPH of the National Medical Association will moderate.

The link to the website page and description: http://bit.ly/1f7om0o
The link to the registration page: http://bit.ly/1f7lvo9

Sample tweets from @HFAction:

Learn more about the #FoodPollution<https://twitter.com/search?q=%23FoodPollution> in your fish. @HFAction<https://twitter.com/HFAction> Free Webinar 2/25, Fish, Fats and Pollutants (#Mercury<https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Mercury>) http://bit.ly/1f7om0o

Free @HFAction<https://twitter.com/HFAction> webinar (2/25): Dr. Oken and Dr. Groth talk on #foodpollution<https://twitter.com/search?q=%23foodpollution>. Fish, Fats, and Mercury: http://bit.ly/1f7om0o

Mercury is #foodpollution<https://twitter.com/search?q=%23foodpollution>. Dr. Oken and Dr. Groth balance the pros and cons of eating fish in this Free Webinar 2/25: http://bit.ly/1f7om0o

Talk to patients about risks of #Mercury<https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Mercury> in fish. Dr. Oken and Dr. Groth give advice on #foodpollution<https://twitter.com/search?q=%23foodpollution> Free Webinar: http://bit.ly/1f7om0o

Educate yourself on the risks of #Mercury<https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Mercury> in fish. @HFAction<https://twitter.com/HFAction> webinar: "Fish, Fats, and Pollutants (Mercury)" 2/25- http://bit.ly/1f7om0o

We hope you'll join us on Tuesday, Feb. 25th!

Thanks so much,
Rachel Grewell
Outreach & Social Media
Healthy Food Action
Next time dinner's on us!<http://www.razoo.com/story/Healthy-Food-Action->