Just a reminder about Monday's webinar on food marketing in schools. Hope you can join us! Feel free to share with colleagues or others who may be interested.

ASTHO, Food Marketing Workgroup, and NPLAN present…

Unhealthy Food Marketing in Schools
Reading, Writing, and a Candy Ad?

March 17, 2014
 2– 3 p.m. EDT

Part of the ‘What You Need to Know to Promote Healthy Eating in Your State!’ webinar series.

Register here: https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/228683687

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently released proposed updated guidelines for local school wellness policies<http://www.fns.usda.gov/school-meals/local-school-wellness-policy> (LWP). In addition to strengthening nutrition and physical activity in schools, the guidelines include a new provision to limit unhealthy food and beverage marketing in schools. Soon, school districts will only allow marketing of foods that meet the USDA “Smart Snacks” guidelines (i.e., the standards for foods sold through vending, a la carte, school stores, and other competitive foods).

Food marketing is ubiquitous in U.S. schools. In 2012, 70% of elementary and middle school students and 90% of high school students attended schools with in-school food marketing, most of which is for unhealthy food. Join ASTHO, the Food Marketing Workgroup, and NPLAN on March 17 at 2 p.m. EDT to learn more about food marketing in schools, the proposed USDA guidelines, and emerging policy and legal considerations.


  *   Elizabeth Walker Romero, MS; Senior Director, Health Improvement, ASTHO
  *   Hannah Jones, Nutrition Policy Coordinator, Center for Science in the Public Interest
  *   Erika Pijai, MS, RD; Nutritionist, Child Nutrition Programs, USDA Food and Nutrition Service
  *   Sabrina Adler, JD; Staff Attorney, ChangeLab Solutions