Dear CUNY SPH Students,

We are writing to invite you to the Intersectoral Forum on Advancing Health and Equity in New York City on March 26th at the Graduate Center at 34th Street and Fifth Avenue from 8:30 am to 4 pm.

The purpose of the Forum, sponsored by the CUNY School of Public Health, in partnership with Bronx Health REACH, Brooklyn Food Coalition, Institute for Family Health, New York Academy of Medicine, Public Health Solutions, Primary Care Development Corporation and WEACT for Environmental Health, is to bring together those working in different sectors in government, community, advocacy and nonprofit organizations to consider how to integrate health and equity goals into planned Mayoral initiatives in education, housing, community and economic development, public safety and health care.  

Speakers include Dr. Mary Bassett, NYC Health Commissioner; Dr. Marc Gourevitch, NYU Medical Center; Dr. Barbara Ferrer, Boston Public Health Commission; Amanda Navarro, Policy Link; Cecelia Zalkind, Advocates for Children of New Jersey; Nancy Biberman, Women's Housing and Economic Development Corporation; Dr. Jane Bedell, Bronx District Public Health Office; Peggy Shepard, WEACT for Environmental Justice; and others.  

In small group workshops, participants will develop specific recommendations for intersectoral action that can begin to address the underlying causes of New York City's most serious health and social problems.  The Forum hopes to begin a dialogue that engages communities and city government in making the World Health Organization's call for "health in all policies" a reality for New York City.  

If you would like to register for this invitational Forum, please email Catherine Diamond at [log in to unmask]