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Not Only Does the Early Bird Get the Worm, but the Best Deals Too!

Register online today!<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001letKVzPNmMGCgPQ2_hWF7jOTKRAqPkLHI-vJO4N864NKG48lrd1H5rSxMAyljLnK306gKh5CWycQlR_1wpSeX-lkmRucncqItwJPn8mcJdT3BkBTHi74fBF4n8RtPNtgPQrydpt58z4z7kwyih_rzl0QKsfrjbI8gz8hlgX7ka1te4ldYkaETwckmn2GVl0z3E0t1qFZv5qQfOZFjxkpOamx3sHjMH1EkImSj39MyDKHac5l2MbEOtwL5_KeUCO3mRf4HK5UWYkLG9Tv3Er2sTPGlqTqFhPW3u_StjkOnxM=&c=g0dEaxM2uQq9JaGN9z6eNlo9DXyQMzEEjwqu-QgVLkijnTITS6YbTw==&ch=6O4BcjzidIn9cP71K4eP99X5OaJ4bsjRfuUHFbgZX9f8q43KFWLH3Q==>  Don't Delay--the early registration deadline ends NEXT FRIDAY, APRIL 4.

With a membership of more than 5,700 Registered Dietitians (RD) and Dietetic Technicians, Registered (DTR), there is no better place to directly access hundreds of the professionals who keep New York State eating and living healthy!

Visit our conference website for the latest conference information!<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001letKVzPNmMGCgPQ2_hWF7jOTKRAqPkLHI-vJO4N864NKG48lrd1H5jt4_dP9EWaftRZaodw0a1Jiy_GB7-MtyQZvemCRHP7x80XeKXga1BtV_-Bmwl-jscn_ESrA0p_OXKvviGWixbaWqnr-Portg32rxJ_ER10IRqP0yNtdeM5yHd4bj7oLWcQqlxArPpMvi4jqGZk8Sv79qQ3dh6-0w2k7PUTxXRavKVSR294-gC9tAQqFlCJ089lwAr4byT2HgJeN7SRzKyk=&c=g0dEaxM2uQq9JaGN9z6eNlo9DXyQMzEEjwqu-QgVLkijnTITS6YbTw==&ch=6O4BcjzidIn9cP71K4eP99X5OaJ4bsjRfuUHFbgZX9f8q43KFWLH3Q==>

Need a Room?
Discounted Room Rate Available Until April 7th

A block of rooms at the Hilton Westchester has been reserved for April 24-26, 2014. Space is limited! Rooms will be awarded on a first-come, first served basis. The NYSDA block and special discount rate is available until Thursday, April 7th. After that date, reservations will be accepted based on availability and at the best available rate. Individuals making room reservations are responsible to pay room, tax and incidental charges upon check out. Please note: all room reservations must be arranged directly with the Hilton Westchester.

To make your hotel accommodations please call the Hilton Westchester at 1800-HILTONS and use the following reservation code: NYSDA to receive the conference rate of $159 per night. Or book your hotel room online<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001letKVzPNmMGCgPQ2_hWF7jOTKRAqPkLHI-vJO4N864NKG48lrd1H5hC_PYRNKHgI1n3e-XGHeaFdQAPKxxgtiL0lRi3I9OZjFJwQGex31mlcuczWgQX_UxhWWuHneM61Qjh_qQgghEyGIGcJu1ylXJLMdY8UxowypPbcMAd9iGaWr3gn_NGlzPCnUKJ3ZnXzCMr2uD704N2NPoVBPlgT8YhT4FqQXd4B&c=g0dEaxM2uQq9JaGN9z6eNlo9DXyQMzEEjwqu-QgVLkijnTITS6YbTw==&ch=6O4BcjzidIn9cP71K4eP99X5OaJ4bsjRfuUHFbgZX9f8q43KFWLH3Q==>. The $159 rate applies to single and double occupancy rooms.

About New York State Dietetic Association
The New York State Dietetic Association (NYSDA) is one of the largest groups of nutrition professionals in New York State. With more than 5,700 members, NYSDA provides credible nutrition information to the citizenry of New York and educational and legislative support to the field. Our membership is made up of nutrition professionals who work and/or live in New York State.

Thank You Sponsors!

  *   California Walnuts - Tote Bag Sponsor

*         New York Beef Council - Reception Appetizer Sponsor
Speaker Sponsors

  *   American Dairy Association & Dairy Council, Inc.
  *   General Mills
  *   New York Beef Council

Exhibitors To-Date

  *   Abbott Nutrition
  *   American Dairy Association & Dairy Council, Inc.
  *   Cooksimple
  *   GMO Answers
  *   GramZero--Naturally Sugar Free
  *   KAO Health & Nutrition, LLC
  *   Morrison
  *   NASCO
  *   Nestle
  *   New York Beef Council
  *   New York School Nutrition Association
  *   Phase 2 White Kidney Bean Extract
  *   Smart Balance
  *   Stony Brook University's Gelfond Fund for Mercury Research & Outreach
  *   Sodexo
  *   Vegetarian Nutrition DPG
  *   VSL #3

 Contact: Vicki Charbonneau, Conference Planner
136 Everett Road, Albany, NY 12205
518.694-5534 * [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

New York State Dietetic Association | 136 Everett Road | Albany | NY | 12205