Fellowship Opportunity funded by CDR

This award, funded by the Commission on Dietetic Registration, will provide a one year, full time Research Fellowship in the field of simulation-based dietetics education to a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who has completed a Masters or Doctoral degree. This position has the potential for extension into a second year, pending funding and satisfactory completion of year 1. The fellow will be paid $54,180 for the one year period beginning May 12, 2014.   Application should be submitted electronically as
one single document to Alison Steiber at [log in to unmask]   The deadline to apply is April 21, 2014.

For more information or to download the application go to http://www.eatright.org/Foundation/content.aspx?id=6921<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ByPA9NQGogw5r4RNSTDn2Bs1BXEGRCX8i4G4XhQcl2SgOUaq38gex02malxT9qopLcLKeJ3smQqWSh-ehKjY-UBKxKqvS3sfTeMvxcRoihPqPS1kM1uzJfu1hbGBREpWllHH3DrBuRUxKoZLt6ogjA05ipJhafXg84do0gy_3Rpbjju89WQg7FDcbg5ouCE8TD7TGjT3RaXm3896rrwa6FzcDsIMFRl8&c=4u5YLJ3wj8aFPqcmG0-tSaoN1LqFsY5jxueXWHX7Qca077qrzYIqZw==&ch=Ege2M01IY1TY4CeGCxWv4J2XVQlvUVRKELUAT3bjcOhe4F79Dl3zmA==>


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