This just in from MPH candidate, Amy Sacks, RD:

/arlene spark
Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Amy Sacks <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Date: May 28, 2014 at 10:21:46 AM EDT
To: Arlene Spark <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Subject: Fwd: Interesting Design Competitions / Share Widely!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: George E Agudow <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Date: Wed, May 28, 2014 at 10:15 AM
Subject: Interesting Design Competitions / Share Widely!
To: Amy Sacks <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>

I don't think the City is getting a lot of interest in these competitions for some reason -- please share as widely as you like!

New York City Department of Health
Eat Healthy NYC
Promote healthy eating habits by pointing New Yorkers to the nearest healthy food options at local farmers’ markets, green carts and Shop Healthy bodegas or supermarkets.

BigIdea Partner

Our Challenge to You

Good nutrition is important for maintaining overall health and a healthy body weight. Being overweight or obese puts individuals at increased risk for many diseases, including heart disease and diabetes. Obesity continues to be one of the greatest public health challenges of our time. In New York City, more than half of adults and nearly 40% of public school students (grades K-8) are overweight or obese. Having good nutrition means eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, choosing whole grains, eating lean meats, eliminating sugary drinks, etc. However, lack of access to nutritious food is common in low-income communities in the city. Over 90% of adults surveyed in our 2012 Community Health Survey had not consumed the recommended 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables on the previous day.

A technological solution that helps New Yorkers locate the nearest source of healthy food – whether a farmers’ market, Shop Healthy bodega, supermarket or mobile green cart – would help bring affordable, fresh fruits and vegetables to those who need it most.

Product Wish List

We’re looking to develop a smartphone application (compatible with iOS and Android platforms) that will
allow users to:
• Locate the nearest NYC farmers’ market and see detailed site information (e.g. days and hours of operation, whether EBT is accepted, Stellar Farmers’ Market and Come See What’s Cookin’, KIDS! program information).*
• Share and crowd-source up-to-date information related to farmers’ markets (e.g. product availability, quality, and price).
• Locate the nearest Shop Healthy bodega or supermarket and see detailed site information.
• Report, verify and locate the nearest Green Cart vendors.

* Through the Stellar Farmers’ Market program, nutritionists provide free, comprehensive nutrition education workshops and cooking demonstrations at select farmers' markets throughout NYC. The Come See What’s Cookin’, KIDS! program provides FREE food-based activities for children 6 and under at select farmers’ markets. The classes encourage children to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables by engaging them in a variety of hands-on activities.

Ideally, this product would also:
• Have an integrated mechanism to provide transportation details (by car, foot or public transport) to any desired location (farmers’ market, Shop Healthy supermarkets or bodegas, green cart).
• “On foot” directions would include the number of calories burned if this mode of transport is chosen.
• Promote Health Bucks by including redemption information, expiration reminders, and alerts that users will receive an additional Health Buck worth $2 for each $5 spent using their EBT.
• Browse nutritional information and recipes for commonly available fruits and vegetables.
• Integrate with social media platforms so users can share photos, check in, etc.
• Be scaled for expansion, as programs add locations and information.


Promotion via social media across agency platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Pintrest.
Promotion when appropriate via program materials, our website, program staff, partner organization, staff, and press releases.

Generating earned media in coordination with our agency press office.

Evaluation Criteria

Submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
• Ease of use and clarity of purpose
• Visual appeal, user experience, and intuitive interface
• Creativity


Farm to Kitchen
Help make it easy for New Yorkers to cook like professional chefs after shopping at Greenmarket Farmers’ Markets.

BigIdea Partners

Our Challenge to You

GrowNYC is proposing the creation of a Greenmarket phone application that would revolutionize how both foodies and causal Greenmarket shoppers cook from the market. The Greenmarket App would allow shoppers to identify produce via barcode or screenshot technology and download information about the produce. Users will also have access to menu plans, cooking tips, links to recipes, and videos of Greenmarket “celebrity” chefs preparing healthy dishes. Recipes can be tied to our forthcoming Greenmarket Cookbook. The app will demystify what to do with the huge variety of produce found at our markets and make the home cook shine. But most important, it will help make eating fresh, healthy produce easier than ever. And by doing so, encourage all New Yorkers eat and live better .

Product Wish List

The Greenmarket App’s features could include:
• List of Greenmarket locations with hours of operations
• Producers at each market
• List of produce and products commonly found at Greenmarket seasonally
• Barcode or screen identification of produce
• Downloadable information about the produce including basic history of the produce, nutrition information and varieties
• Audio and video interviews with farmers and GrowNYC staff about shopping tips, growing practices and Greenmarket lore.
• Basic meal plans and recipes
• Links to videos of Greenmarket Chefs like Michael Anthony from Gramercy Tavern preparing the produce


Outreach to millions of New Yorkers who shop at our markets with credits to the developer.

Promotion in media like the NY Times, NY Magazine, etc.

Invites to GrowNYC/Greenmarket Events

All the kale you can eat!

Evaluation Criteria

Functionality and ease of use is the main goal of the app. Product must be easy to use by all ages and allow customers of all ages to access recipes and other content across all platforms. We hope to have the app available by late summer or early fall if possible.