
Vermont Will Triumph Against Court Challenges to New Labeling Legislation

By Shelley Powers<http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=7LmcU&m=3jvlPKRXj8IF4Kp&b=6hf9h8OaLxvPdZGwIc24ew>

http://www.foodsafetynews.com/files/2014/03/GMO-rally.jpg]In a May 3 column, Food Safety News editor Dan Flynn wrote a rather scathing editorial about Vermont’s new GMO labeling law. Among the criticisms, he asked a question: “If there is some skilled member of the bar out there who has done the sort of professional analysis that is normally available, please send it... Continue Reading<http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=7LmcU&m=3jvlPKRXj8IF4Kp&b=EwBZmsUJpQt59vBLZSY6zw>
