Please join @MomsRising<> and @CSPI<> on Friday, September 26th from 1 pm to 2pm EDT for a #FoodFri tweetchat to discuss healthy school fundraising.  As you know, schools have started implementing USDA’s Smart Snacks that improve the nutrition of snacks and drinks sold through the a la carte line at lunch, school stores, and vending machines.  Fundraisers during the school day are also getting healthier.  While some states are providing some limited exemptions for school fundraisers, many are going with just healthy fundraising options. This tweetchat will be an opportunity to share resources, generate discussion, and draw attention to the issue.

Here are a few model tweets to get involved:

  *   Sick of fast-food & candy fundraisers in schools? Join us on 9/26 at 1pm ET for a #Foodfri tweetchat on healthy fundraising!
  *   This year most states are going to healthier school fundraisers. Join #FoodFri 9/26 at 1pm ET to discuss healthy options.
  *   Please join us, @MomsRising & @CSPI on 9/26 at 1pm ET for a #FoodFri tweetchat on healthy fundraising.

If you'd like to prepare some tweets in advance, below are the questions/topics we plan to discuss:

  *   Why it's important to promote healthy fundraisers
  *   Examples of fundraising options to encourage and avoid
  *   How schools can switch to healthy fundraisers without losing money
  *   How USDA’s “Smart Snacks” nutrition standards will apply to fundraisers
  *   How parents can get involved to support healthy fundraisers

Hope you can join us!

Kate Klimczak
Nutrition Policy Associate
Center for Science in the Public Interest<>
1220 L Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005
Direct (202) 777-8329
Fax (202) 265-4954

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