Root Cause: A Public Health Student Collective


Join Root Cause this week
Hunter College's radical public health collective

As a community of students we strive to make Hunter College’s commitment to social justice seen, heard and felt.

We aim to build community, engage in critical dialogue, and promote social justice. Out mission is to mitigate, resist and undo racism, market justice, and gentrification in East Harlem.


Planned Actions

  *   Co-organize First Fridays
  *   Engage in critical dialogue on the structural determinants of health
  *   Engage in critical dialogue of Hunter’s program and curriculum
  *   Build a day of critical consciousness workshops and PH skill share in April
  *   Build community and capacity
  *   Practice Reflexivity
  *   Make art and zines!


Scan the code or go to<> to join our mailing list for meeting updates, events and actions


Root Cause Group<>



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meetings every other Thursday
October 30th, 8pm Silberman 215
Next: November 13th, same as above