
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital Clinical Nutrition Department Presents: Advocates for Pediatric Nutrition Symposium - Two Dates!

1. Pediatric Malnutrition New Guidelines: From Identification to Coding

November 11, 2014, 2:00-4:00pm

Weill Cornell Medical Center, Garden Café Cayuga Room

This program will discuss the definitions of pediatric malnutrition, from history to present, and the implementation of the pediatric malnutrition initiative within the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital System.  This program will also address the application of malnutrition identification in the clinical setting and treatment plan.

At the end of the program, the participants will be able to:

  *   -Understand parameters for pediatric malnutrition
  *   - Assess for pediatric malnutrition using updated criteria/definitions
  *   - Apply pediatric malnutrition diagnosis in the inpatient clinical setting

2. Preventing Pediatric Malnutrition, One Heartbeat at a Time: Nourishing the Single Ventricle Child

November 19, 2014, 9:30am-11:30am

Columbia University Medical Center, Myrna Daniels Auditorium

This program will discuss the medical and nutritional complications children with single ventricle physiology may encounter and the prevention of malnutrition with this patient population.

At the end of the program, the participants will be able to:

  *   -Understand the medical and surgical treatments for children born with a single ventricle physiology
  *   - Speak to the nutrition complications at each stage of palliation for the single ventricle child
  *   -Have knowledge on the multi-disciplinary approach to optimizing nutrition management of the child with single ventricle

Cost: $20/session. 2.0 Continuing Education units have been submitted through the Commission on Dietetic Registration for each session

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