Dear Pre-health Post-bacc Community and Pre-health Students,

Next Thursday, Nov 13, from 7:30-9:00, we'll be hosting a panel discussion on extracurricular research opportunities, and we'd like to invite all of you to attend- everyone involved in prehealth, post-baccs and undergraduates alike, is welcome!

We have some great speakers lined up to will talk about their own experiences working in research (clinical, bench, and more!), what they've learned form their time in the field, and what they'd recommend.

Topics will include how to find a good PI, what it takes to get your name on a paper, how to find and apply for positions, and more.

It will be held in the Glass Cafeteria on the 3rd Floor of Hunter West, from 7:30pm-9:00pm, so feel free to bring food and drinks!


Post Bacc Community