MCAT Holiday Hell

You know what they say about going through Hell. With MCAT Holiday Hell from The Princeton Review, you’ll keep going until you reach the MCAT score you want. Our unique Holiday Hell bootcamp-style schedules are designed to provide you with the comprehensive prep of our MCAT Ultimate or MCAT2015 Ultimate course during winter break so you can live and breathe your MCAT prep without any distractions.

MCAT Holiday Hell features:

The most comprehensive prep available
Review all of the MCAT or MCAT2015 content with extensive in-class practice and drills, plus online resources and tools.

Specialized instruction by a team of experts
Each MCAT Holiday Hell course is taught by a team of 3 to 5 trained subject-matter specialists.

An exclusive learning technology
amplifire™: a revolutionary study tool that leverages state-of-the-art brain research on the biochemical processes underlying memory to help you quickly learn the science concepts you must know, remember them long term and accurately recall the information when it counts.


Check out our upcoming Holiday Hell schedules:




Course ID/Location






Course ID #180583: Midtown Manhattan

12/10 - 1/13 (M - F)

2:00 pm - 8:00 pm (Double Sessions)





Enroll Today

646-362-0628 |

MCAT is a registered trademark of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), which is not affiliated with The Princeton Review. amplifire is a registered trademark of Knowledge Factor, Inc. The Princeton Review is not affiliated with Princeton University.

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