From: Whitney Meagher [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 11:37 AM
Subject: NEW RESOURCE: State and National School Snack Policies-How They Compare

Good Morning,

I wanted to make sure you were aware of a great new resource from Pew.
We have created a series of state-by-state comparisons of how competitive food policies compare with Smart Snacks.  On this site<>, there are fact sheets available for every state, and for each of the 43 states with existing competitive food policies, there are more detailed charts that show how their policies match up with Smart Snacks.
They are current as of August 1, 2014.  We are aware that some states have taken action on these policies since that time.  We are tracking this separate from the fact sheets, so if you have any information about state activity, please let us know.

As most of you know, I have only been at Pew about a month, so I can’t take credit for any of the hard work that went in to this, but I can say that I have already been using these and found them to be incredibly helpful.

Please help us spread the word!  Below are some sample social media messages that you can use, but let us know if we can do anything else to help.


Whitney Meagher
Senior Associate, Kids' Safe and Healthful Foods
Government Performance | The Pew Charitable Trusts
901 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20004
p: 202-540-6971 | e:   [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> |<>


·         What kinds of school snacks can be sold in your state? #schoolnutrition

·         Which policies set a higher bar for #healthy school snacks: state or national? Find out:

·         How do national and state school snack policies compare? #schoolnutrition

Facebook posts

·         What kinds of snacks foods and beverages can be sold at school in your state?

·         States can help schools be as healthy as possible for kids. Follow these recommendations for snack foods and beverages sold to students.

·         Schools across the country are serving healthier snacks to students following recently updated national nutrition guidelines. Find out which states were ahead of the curve in making schools healthier places for kids.

Newsletter blurb
State and National School Snack Policies<>
Currently, 43 states have policies determining the types of snacks that schools may sell to students, but few have standards as strong as those issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These fact sheets and data tables can help state and district stakeholders understand how close their policies are to the national standards and which state rules set an even healthier bar for snacks.