Announcing our Spring 2015 Assessment Breakfast Schedule!

The Office of Assessment, in collaboration with ACERT, offers regular Assessment Breakfasts - interactive workshops led by the Director of Assessment - on Wednesday mornings throughout the semester. These workshops cover assessment concepts, tools, and techniques within a supportive, collaborative environment, and are open to faculty and staff across the College. Come learn about assessment, meet other faculty and staff, and have breakfast on us!

All Assessment Breakfasts take place from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM in the Charlotte Frank Room, 1203HE.

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February 11, 2015: Easy Assessment Makeover

In this workshop, Director of Assessment Meredith Reitman will use her own syllabi and assignments to demonstrate how you can do an “easy assessment makeover.” We will practice her techniques in small group breakouts, so be sure to bring along your own syllabi and assignments! [Foundation Level]

February 25, 2015: Love Your Learning Outcomes

You know you need them, but you’re not sure you want them. Come discover how learning outcomes can be truly useful tools for designing and clarifying courses and curricula, and gauging student learning beyond grades. Make sure to bring any course or program materials that you’re working on. [Foundation Level]

March 11, 2015: Assess Anything You Like with Rubrics

In this workshop, you will learn what rubrics are, why we create them, how they can be used to measure learning, and how to make the best use of online resources such as iRubric and Blackboard Rubrics. Make sure to bring any in-progress assignments if you want to work on them. [Intermediate Level]

March 25, 2015: Ask the Students! Design a Small-Scale Survey

Surveys can be a great way to find out what students are thinking in order to improve teaching or services. But without careful preparation, you’re likely to end up with a bunch of data that looks good but tells you squat! Come learn best practices for small-scale survey design; bring your own projects-in-progress. [Intermediate Level]

April 15 and April 29, 2015: Complete your Assessment Report

It’s the time of year to take stock of your department’s assessment capacity and activities. This year, we’re using a new template to more clearly articulate expectations and further simplify the process. Come learn about the template and get support for completing it from the Office of Assessment and colleagues. [Expert Level, Offered Twice]

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