

Applications Now Being Accepted for Groundbreaking
Culinary Medicine Certification Program

The Cardiometabolic Risk Summit<http://hcpdata.com/blast/link.php?M=661046&N=299&L=793&F=H> and Goldring Center for Culinary Medicine at Tulane University<http://hcpdata.com/blast/link.php?M=661046&N=299&L=695&F=H> are offering a new professional certification program in Culinary Medicine!

The Certified Culinary Medicine Specialist<http://hcpdata.com/blast/link.php?M=661046&N=299&L=877&F=H> (CCMS) program provides clinicians with a unique combination of nutritional knowledge and culinary skills to optimize patient care.  Distinguish yourself as a leader in this exciting new interdisciplinary field, and apply today<http://hcpdata.com/blast/link.php?M=661046&N=299&L=795&F=H>.

Featuring a hybrid 60-credit curriculum<http://hcpdata.com/blast/link.php?M=661046&N=299&L=785&F=H> of online education, live conference learning, and hands-on teaching kitchen modules, the CCMS program allows clinicians to:

  *   Explore the implications of diet on overall health
  *   Enhance the quality of patient counseling
  *   Improve the management of diet-related chronic diseases

Did you know?  You can complete hands-on teaching kitchen modules and a significant portion of CCMS credits at the upcoming Cardiometabolic Risk Summit Spring<http://hcpdata.com/blast/link.php?M=661046&N=299&L=865&F=H> conference in New Orleans, which is included in the cost of CCMS tuition!  Spots in that program are booking fast, so call 610-560-0500 x291 or email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> today.


