Dear students,

Please refer to the below email regarding the Matthew Goldstein Scholarship.

In celebration of CUNY Disability Awareness Month, I am pleased to announce the call for applications for the Matthew Goldstein Scholarship.  The purpose of this award is to support the persistence and graduation of CUNY students who must take reduced course loads as reasonable accommodations for their disabilities.  This scholarship can provide a tuition waiver for unmet TAP for eligible students. Students considered for the Goldstein Scholarships must meet the following eligibility criteria:
*         Must be an undergraduate student, enrolled in a degree program
*         Must be in good academic standing, i.e. a grade-point average of 2.0 or better
*         Must be registered with a campus Office of Disability Resources & Services
*         Must be certified as eligible to participate in the "ADA TAP" program by a campus Financial Aid Office's TAP Certifying Official
*         Must be certified as depleting TAP within the upcoming school year by a campus Financial Aid Office's TAP Certifying Official
*         Must complete a Matthew Goldstein Scholarship Application by the application deadline of June 12, 2015

Thank you for your assistance in spreading awareness about this program that promotes access and opportunity to higher education for CUNY students with disabilities.

Best wishes,