KCC Urban Farm

Spring 2015


Dear arlene,

HAPPY SPRING! Our crops are truly enjoying this warm weather, and we hope you are, too. We're excited to announce our lineup for summer Continuing Education classes on the farm & in the kitchen. Looking forward to another great season!

Come grow with us
Take a gardening class at KCC Urban Farm

[http://files.ctctcdn.com/79a83c01301/e21b20dd-ef1e-40c0-83d2-262791b9fc05.jpg]Sign up today for our summer classes through Continuing Education. We have some exciting new offerings this season, including classes on herbs and cooking. Call 718-368-5050 to pre-register
until online registration opens June 15. If you are an employee of KCC, you can waive the $25 registration fee.

Your Urban Herbal Medicinal Cabinet
6 weeks: Thursdays, 5:30-8:30, June 18-July 30 (no class July 2)
$90 + $25 materials fee

In this class we will focus on six (6) native medicinal plants considered essential natural remedies. Throughout this course participants will learn: how to grow plants from seeds and cuttings; the properties, benefits and risks of each plant; and how to care for each plant. Mature plants will be on hand so participants learn when and how to harvest each plant. And dried herbs made available so we spend time in each of our classes making different herbal preparations such as teas, tinctures, oils, and syrups that participants can take home.

Intro to Organic Vegetable Gardening
Tuesdays, 5:30-8:30, July 7 - August 25
$100 + $15 materials fee

This course covers all of the basics of urban gardening from soil to seed to table. Learn how to grow edible crops organically, start plants from seed, manage pests, and more at KCC Urban Farm. Students will gain skills in soil conditioning, crop planning, composting, planting, and harvesting to get on their way to producing their own fresh herbs, greens, fruits, and vegetables. This course also covers finding land for gardening in NYC and building a garden from scratch.

Advanced Organic Vegetable Gardening
Wednesdays, 5:30-8:30, July 8 - August 26

$130 + $15 materials fee

This class is for students who have taken Intro to Vegetable Gardening or who have some experience gardening already. Class will be a hands-on immersion into growing food organically, with lots of hands-on practice at KCC Urban Farm and communal space to grow your own fresh produce. We will go deeper into soil science, propagation, crop planning, plant care, harvesting, pest management, and botany, leaving students confident and well-equipped to grow small-scale vegetable gardens. This course will also cover season-extension and seed-saving.

Gluten-Free Cooking at Home
2 sessions: Mondays, 5pm-8pm, July 20-27
$65 + $15 materials fee

Are you allergic or sensitive to wheat gluten? Or are you trying to cut back? Come learn how to prepare quick and easy gluten-free meals at home.

Farm-to-Table Cooking with Vegetables
2 sessions: Mondays, 5pm-8pm, August 3-10
$65 + $15 materials fee

Put vegetables at the front and center of your dinner plate. Make use of summer's bounty using produce from KCC Urban Farm and learn how to use local or home-grown vegetables and herbs in your everyday cooking.

Stay tuned for fall classes here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gASVv6PXVjXCqaqsp45l1Yfwgyc8dlePmVKsD83AzhsnhygYIgrgSgByLu0X3pwnpSPrJTVa5ByheHzQIIZ1AeU_7sUD_mNsmTpXoive8W3-q4t-mMP6Xyxo0lKurGibJzn6qqnQLEIdXOV_ulgeBCfnaluXC9gqdpnZ3eKMwGr2OKlH6_5ERdxuFBQARfpTZqUbIrxGnxL8teYz1Y-uMYvk4vSx2hQojuUAg83Jt4K8_Qr6wbPTU3eHlFNrqb6tPwhe-iyHNcU=&c=Ry5Y_tOmiDI4M6QBcKAuaYDGyUXLUCcShFnksm_AcihBh2YPEOl9jg==&ch=kWok1UXsKYhDPfP8pzGzfJm2SoygRn6Iz1OPP-gfKQ5W2v804VQ-Lg==> on our website.

See you on the farm!
KCC Urban Farm

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