[cid:image006.jpg@01D0C5EA.A7AE9500]“BREASTFEEDING AND WORK,
Join the global effort to support working mothers and breastfeeding!
Here are some ways CACFP can celebrate World Breastfeeding Week 2015:

CACFP sponsors can:

  *   Share tips on creating a breastfeeding-friendly environment.
  *   Showcase ways their facilities welcome breast feeding mothers.
  *   Promote breastfeeding in August newsletters, emails, and other communication tools.
CACFP child care centers and homes can:

  *   Remind mothers about the benefits of breastfeeding their babies.
  *   Encourage working mothers to continue breastfeeding.
  *   Create a bulletin board promoting breastfeeding. See Healthy Meals Resource System’s “Bulletin Board Resources<http://healthymeals.nal.usda.gov/resource-library/bulletin-board-resources>” and the WIC Bulletin Board Exchange<http://wicworks.nal.usda.gov/wic-bulletin-board> for fun and easy ideas!
  *   Write a note of “thanks” to mothers from their breastfeeding babies.
For more information on Breastfeeding and CACFP, visit the Infant Feeding<http://healthymeals.nal.usda.gov/resource-library/child-and-adult-care-food-program/infant-feeding> page of the CACFP Wellness Resources for Child Care Providers<http://healthymeals.nal.usda.gov/cacfp-wellness-resources-child-care-providers> Web site.

[cid:image007.gif@01D0C5EA.A7AE9500]http://www.fns.usda.gov/team-nutrition   [cid:image008.gif@01D0C5EA.A7AE9500] @TeamNutrition<https://twitter.com/teamnutrition>
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