

Please join us at the Academy on October 17 from 11:00AM - 6:00PM for the Eating Through Time Festival, which will bring together chefs, community activists, history buffs, and food enthusiasts in a daylong celebration of history, food, and health.


  *   Chef Jacques Pépin on food memories
  *   Cookbook author Bryant Terry in conversation on food, politics, and the power of culture
  *   A Place at the Table documentary screening and Q&A with the producers
  *   "Healthy Kitchens, Healthy Lives" with the Culinary Institute of America and Harvard School of Public Health
  *   "Eating the Future" with the Nordic Food Lab and the Experimental Food Collective
  *   Talks by historians Ken Albala and Betty Fussell
  *   Panels on food and aging, technology, the law, and community health
  *   Workshops on topics from insect eating to aphrodisiacs


  *   Book signings
  *   Demonstrations
  *   Tastings
  *   Pop-up bookstore and marketplace

  *   Food trucks
  *   Performances
  *   Historic cookbooks on display in the Academy Library
  *   And more!

View the full schedule»<http://support.nyam.org/site/R?i=5ZN3W_DM0iHGcHqbWxFs8A>

Buy Tickets»<http://support.nyam.org/site/R?i=W1m1yckVsF5vAqUtQZrQgw>

The New York Academy of Medicine * 1216 Fifth Avenue, NY 10029 * (212) 822-7200 * www.nyam.org<http://support.nyam.org/site/R?i=uWhiUIg2q2hYTB74MWj04w>
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