Join us next Friday, September 25 from 1-2 pm ET for a #FoodFri tweet chat that explores why we buy the food we buy. We'll discuss what influences our food decisions and what we can do about it.
It's hard to eat well in America today. Food is available just about anywhere and anytime. Many of the special-occasion treats of yesterday are considered everyday foods today. And marketing pushes more food on us at every turn. Still, the media overwhelmingly tells people that eating well and losing weight are matters of personal responsibility and that being a good parent is simply a matter of saying "no."
From revealing the secrets of how the supermarket talks us into purchases to visualizing how changing the food environment can change health outcomes, this tweet chat promises to be both informative and inspiring.
Please let us know if you will be able to join us. Please help us get the word out by sharing these tweets before the chat:
-          Why do we buy the food we buy? The answers may surprise you. Join us, @MomsRising & @CSPI for a #FoodFri Friday 9/25 from 1-2pm ET.
-          #FoodFri Friday 9/25 from 1-2 pm ET with @MomsRising, @CSPI & us. Our topic: why we buy the food we buy.
-          Think that candy bar was your idea? Find out what influences our food decisions. #FoodFri Friday 9/25 10-11 am PT/1-2 pm ET.
-          Do the shopping for your family? You won't want to miss our #FoodFri tweet chat Friday 9/25 1-2 pm ET: why we buy the food we buy.
If you would like the tweet chat questions in advance, please email me at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.
Jessica Almy
Senior Nutrition Policy Counsel
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Direct Line: 202.777.8358