The 2016 SMDEP application will open November 1st!


Overview: How Do I Apply?

SMDEP program sites are completely autonomous in making admissions decisions. The SMDEP National Program Office (NPO) has established admissions guidelines regarding acceptance procedures for sites and applicants. SMDEP program sites are expected to follow these guidelines.

To apply to SMDEP, follow these steps:

Step 1: Prepare Application Materials

  1. Register with AAMC/SMDEP to obtain an identification number, username and password
    • PLEASE NOTE: The SMDEP Web application has functions that depend on your Web browser. We strongly suggest using Internet Explorer between 5.01 and 9.01. The SMDEP web application will not support 10.01 or above. While other browsers (eg., Firefox) may work with the application, we cannot provide support for them.
  2. Request an official transcript from every U.S. or Canadian post-secondary institution you have attended. The institution registrar’s office MUST mail your transcript to the SMDEP National Program Office. See the SMDEP Transcript Form for the mailing address. See Transcript Exception details to determine if you meet the requirements for exemption.
  3. Request letters of recommendation. Use the SMDEP Recommendation Form. Recommendations can be faxed to 1-866-304-7637 or mailed to the SMDEP National Program Office.
    • PLEASE NOTE: To give the program sites adequate time to view all applications and make decisions, the NPO is requesting that all letters of recommendation and transcripts be postmarked by Sunday, March 1, 2016.

Step 2: Submit Application

  1. Complete the SMDEP Web Application—Once successfully submitted, your information is immediately available to SMDEP.

Step 3: Apply for the SMDEP Travel Scholarship

The SMDEP Travel Scholarship is for students confirmed to a SMDEP program site only! Again, your participation at a SMDEP program site must be confirmed!