[Official MCAT News from the  Association of American Medical Colleges]

Vol 1 Issue 10

[Pre-Med Resources From the  Association of American Medical Colleges]

You've already done the hard part. You've planned, studied, practiced, and reviewed for countless hours. And now it's the day before your MCAT® exam. All your hard work is about to pay off! But, just as if you were preparing for your biggest game of the season, what you do the day before is as important as all the training you did beforehand.

Having a plan for what to do the day before the exam will help you stay positive, relaxed, and ready for your exam. The last thing you want to do is wake up stressed! Here are 8 tips to help you be prepared for test day:

  1.  Confirm the address of your test center. Occasionally, changes have to be made to test center locations. To avoid any confusion on test day, double check you have the correct address of your test center in the MCAT Scheduling & Registration System<http://echo4.bluehornet.com/ct/69212669:31152427995:m:1:2692870743:D0E5A84B54D9D3B9C790493B5B0E4B9D:r>.
  2.  Familiarize yourself with the check-in process. When you arrive at the test center, you will need to check-in with the Test Center Administrator. This short video<http://echo4.bluehornet.com/ct/69212671:31152427995:m:1:2692870743:D0E5A84B54D9D3B9C790493B5B0E4B9D:r> will walk you through the check-in process and test center processes to help you feel ready for test day logistics.
  3.  Exercise. Doing a little light cardio, taking a walk, or even doing yoga or stretching will help put your mind at ease, de-stress, and help you get a better night's sleep.
  4.  Pack snacks or a lunch the night before. The MCAT test day is 7 hours and 33 minutes if you use all the allotted time and section breaks, so be sure to come prepared with lunch and/or snacks to have to eat and drink. We recommend that you pack this the night before so you can just grab it before heading out the door. Remember, you won't be able to leave the testing center to get food or drinks. Also, remember that refrigeration may not be available.
  5.  Dress comfortably and bring layers. Be prepared for varying test center room temperatures. Some testing centers may be warmer or cooler than you might have expected. Just keep in mind, you cannot remove or put on layers while testing! Remind yourself about the rules<http://echo4.bluehornet.com/ct/69212672:31152427995:m:1:2692870743:D0E5A84B54D9D3B9C790493B5B0E4B9D:r> for when you are in the testing room.
  6.  Get a good night's sleep. It seems simple enough, but sometimes we think one final cram session will get that last bit of information to stick. But, tonight is not the night to pull an all-nighter. Test day starts at 8 a.m. local time and we advise you arrive at the testing center at least 30 minutes before start time to check-in. It will be an early morning, so aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep to make sure you are well-rested and ready for the day. Don't forget to set your alarm!
  7.  Plan to eat a healthy breakfast. To give you lasting energy, eating a balanced breakfast is key. Think oatmeal, eggs, yogurt, fruit, etc. Avoid overly sugary or greasy foods that will taste great, but leave you feeling lethargic.
  8.  Breathe. It might sound silly, but as you feel stress levels rise, taking a few deep breaths is a great technique to calm yourself. Remember, you have been preparing for this day and you are ready. Don't underestimate the power of positive thinking!

The day and night before your MCAT exam should be a time to relax and get ready for the day ahead.

We wish you the best of luck on test day!

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