NANA =  CSPI's National Alliance for Nutrition & Activity

Hi all,


Please mark your calendars for a NANA meeting on Tuesday, October 13, from 3:30–5:00p ET at American Heart Association, 1150 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036. Thank you to Heart for hosting. Please RSVP with me if you plan to attend or will be on the phone.


For those calling in, here is the information:


The call-in number is: (877) 423-3010

Conference code: 599-075-3965


For this meeting we would like to discuss the following topics below. We will also have Dr. Christina Economos, co-Founder and Director of ChildObesity180 at Tufts University, discuss their menu labeling education campaign.


Agenda topics

·         ChildObesity180’s menu labeling education campaign

·         Update of national food service guidelines (procurement)

·         Appropriations, Prevention and Public Health Fund

·         Child Nutrition Reauthorization

·         Elementary and Secondary Education Act

·         Transportation bill

·         Dietary Guidelines for Americans

·         Nutrition facts panel


Thank you,




Colin Schwartz

Senior Nutrition Policy Associate

Center for Science in the Public Interest

1220 L Street, NW, Suite 300

Washington, D.C. 20005




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