Hey everyone,


The American Red Cross of Hunter College is now accepting volunteers. Volunteering with the American Red Cross is a terrific opportunity to get involved in outreach programs by helping fellow New Yorkers in the Greater Metropolitan Area. The following links are for you to create a volunteer connection account:


To be a volunteer use one of the following two links to register: 


Club members above the age of 18 use this link:




For those under the age of 18, use this link: 




When selecting your closest chapter, select "American Red Cross of Greater New York" 


There are a few upcoming events that are available, more will be provided to you as we get hold of them. It is strongly advised that you provide your email to us so that we can add you to our email list. 


In addition to the some upcoming events, there is some information about your American Red Cross Club officers below. If you have any questions please email us at [log in to unmask]


You can also follow us on Facebook: 



Upcoming Events


Home Fire Campaign

The Home Fire Campaign is a new initiative from the Red Cross with a goal of installing 100,000 smoke alarms in the next 2 years.
Help Promote Fire Safety and Save Lives in Brooklyn. 
Click here to register.


IHL: Action Campaign

We’ve made some small changes to our program this year. If you’re interested in taking part in the IHL Action Campaign, 1-2 members from your club must apply to be trained as Team Leaders. The application is being hosted here:http://goo.gl/forms/pHEHRpRqjQ.


IHL Action Campaign Team Leader is responsible for educating their peers about IHL rules, principles, and values through planning and implementing Action Campaigns in their schools and communities. Team Leaders can be High School or College Students. Time Commitment is 1 academic year. October 2015– June 2016. The topics for this year are Torture and Health Care in Conflict Zones.


Red Cross Gala

Our development team is seeking volunteer support during the annual Red Cross Gala. Volunteers will be needed on Wednesday, October 14th from 4pm-9pm and will assist with registration and serve as runners to support staff, dinner will be provided.


Please send a list of interested students to [log in to unmask]  by Tuesday, October 6th to have the opportunity to support this huge fundraiser.


NY Shakes: Full Scale Exercise

NY Shakes-Help the Red Cross Prepare for the Big One. Click here to register.


If you aren’t trained in Disaster Response, we are actively seeking nearly 100 volunteers to support this program as actors. Actors will play key roles supporting the full-scale and all are welcome of event-based volunteers, shelter residents, and disaster clients. If you’re interested in providing this opportunity to your Red Cross Club, please reach to [log in to unmask] for details on how to register.


Sites are available in Long Island, the Bronx and Westchester County.


New York Marathon

November 1: Join the Red Cross at the NYC Marathon. More than 150 Red Cross Volunteers are needed. Click here to register.




Ryan A. Sankar

President of the American Red Cross of Hunter College

Ryan is a Bioinformatics major at Hunter College. He has volunteered with the American Red Cross for three years in the Disaster Services department. As a disaster responder he has responded to incidents across the Greater New York area, as well as, local incidents such as fires and home vacancies providing temporary care where needed. He has responded to major incidents such as the Harlem explosion and the train derailment. 


Rahfa Ahad

Vice - President of the American Red Cross of Hunter College 

Rahfa is pursuing a degree in Chemistry with focus on Biochemistry.  She has been an active member for three years now and is the former secretary of this club. This is her last year with Hunter College and she's excited to meet new people that are as motivated to help the community.



Rubaya Yeahia

Secretary of the American Red Cross of Hunter College

Rubaya is currently a sophomore with an intended biochemistry major and following the pre-med track. She has been involved with the Red Cross in Greater New York since 2011 and is looking forward to working with fellow Hunter students to make a positive impact on the city.


Labanya Barik

Treasurer of the American Red Cross of Hunter College

Labanya is a senior completing her degree in Psychology, and hopes to pursue a Masters in Speech Pathology. She has been an active member with us for two years and looks forward to meeting and working with motivated individuals to lend a hand towards a better community.


