You and your students are cordially invited to the following Mentoring in Medicine event on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 from 5:00pm-7:30pm.

Friend Raiser Empowerment Seminar

Montefiore Medical Center (Moses Division)

Grand Ballroom (Silver Zone) 2nd Floor

111 East 210th Street

Bronx, NY 10467

FREE!  Food, Fun, Networking, Prizes and More!  Bring your friends!  FREE!

Find out about the MIM Programs for 2016!  Hear from health professionals and more!


MIM ED CEMP & CHAMP Fall Empowerment Seminar 1
This series of seminars will provide intensive training and extensive support in the critical skills needed to reinforce Montefiore Excellence for disadvantaged students who will be devoting their summer to volunteering on the front lines of our institution in Emergency Departments throughout the Montefiore Health Network.
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Hope to see you on Tuesday, November 10!

Please see attached flyer and help us to spread the word!

**Mentoring in Medicine is a nonprofit organization that inspires, equips and empowers low income and socio-economically disadvantaged students to pursue careers in health and science through academic enrichment, leadership development, civic engagement and mentoring!**