Arlene Spark, EdD, RD, FADA, FACN
Professor and MPH & DPH Advisor
CUNY School of Public Health
Hunter College and the CUNY Graduate Center
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From: MichaelPollan.com<http://MichaelPollan.com> <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Date: December 29, 2015 at 12:30:25 PM EST
To: <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Subject: In Defense of Food documentary premieres Wednesday on PBS!
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[A Note From Michael Pollan]<http://michaelpollan.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7fccf730f9f0eb11247da57db&id=56abf76251&e=e1b56329e7>

Dear Friends and Readers,

For the last few years I’ve been working on a television version of In Defense of Food, my 2008 book, and I’m pleased to tell you that on Wednesday evening it will be broadcast nationally on public television at 9pm.

The two-hour documentary was produced by my friends at Kikim Media, the same folks who made the award-winning PBS film of Botany of Desire. I’m delighted with how In Defense of Food turned out and believe it offers an up-to-date and practical set of answers to the question I hear more often from readers than any other:

What should I eat?

We traveled the world to answer that question, investigating the eating habits of people as diverse at the Hadza tribe hunter-gatherers of Tanzania, contemporary Parisians, inhabitants of America’s food deserts, and Seventh-day Adventists -- the American population with the longest lifespans. The film also digs deeply into the latest nutritional research, exploring such topics as the microbiome and what we now know about fats. And we recount the comic history of our national eating disorder, looking at food fads and phobias going back more than a century.

Like the book, the film is ultimately about the importance of culture in guiding our eating. In the end, its message is that eating doesn’t have to be as complicated as the food industry or the experts would have you believe. Or, as you probably already know, the best nutritional advice comes down to these seven words: “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.”

I hope you’ll tune in on Wednesday and that you’ll also let anyone you think might be interested know about the broadcast. There’s also a terrific new website<http://michaelpollan.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7fccf730f9f0eb11247da57db&id=1670b2871e&e=e1b56329e7> for the film that has lots of practical tools for healthy eating, including an excellent selection of recipes.

I’d welcome hearing your thoughts on the film.

Here’s to a healthy, happy and delicious 2016.



Mailing Address:
Michael Pollan
UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism
121 North Gate Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720

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